Annual User Meetings
Powerful Partnerships

As we enter Q4 of 2024, we are already looking ahead to our 2025 Annual User Meeting! We enjoy starting the year off in close partnership with our customers. This event is a valuable opportunity for collaboration and innovation. As we prepare our customers to save the date for 2025, we thought it would be fun to revisit some past highlights!  

Topic Highlights

In the spirit of partnership, we focus on those topics that are at the top of our customers’ minds. This helps to make each session relevant to them. Some of the most popular topics over the last few years have been:  

  • Labor Challenges: The ever-changing landscape of labor in logistics and how to leverage systems to combat the challenges 
  • Super User Training: Deepening the knowledge base of super users to advance their ability to support their operations teams
  • Trending Technologies: Open discussion about which technologies best fit into their operations and how those integrate with their WMS
  • Parcel Volumes: Discussing new strategies to handle parcel and e-commerce/fulfillment style accounts
  • APIs: Understanding what they are and maximizing their ability to utilize them across their enterprises

Networking Opportunities

Our personal favorite part of our User Meetings is the opportunity to connect with our customers in a casual and relaxed environment. A close second is creating the opportunity for them to have the same kind of interaction with their peers. This is an event where they can talk with fellow logistics leaders, catch up with other users, and have open access to our team members. We believe that together we can create the future together!

Collaborative Sessions

We were built by a team of operations leaders that came together to create a system unlike any other on the market. We continue that spirit today with a very generous group of customers that are willing to share and brainstorm together for the good of the product. The ability to openly discuss current challenges in industry and share their own experiences is incredibly valuable for everyone that attends. Our customers say this is a highlight for them every year as they always learn something new and walk away looking at something in a new way.  


We are excited about another great conference with our customers! See you in 2025!  

user meeting

Let's chat about how you can get your name on the attendee list!